Success In A Year Where Will You Be In 12 Months

Success In A Year

Business Success & Personal Growth

"Turn Your Passion Into Profits With My Help!" -- Stephen B. Henry

The desire to be successful in life does not grab everyone. Some just do not care about success. Some plod along taking whatever is handed to them. But some others see success as their major goal in life. The proverbial $64,000 question is, how do you be successful in life?

Be Successful in Life

8 Ways To Be Successful in Life

1. Stop Looking For A Magic Solution

When you start realizing there is no magic one-size-fits-all magic solution to be successful in life; no facebook ads secret formula, and no previously hidden $5000 webinar solution. When you come to understand it takes hard work, and the right work. Then you will stop digging around for some here-to-fore hidden secret answer!

So why do you keep digging? Because you really do not want to do in the hard work. And you want to be an overnight success. But there is a better way. A way that will actually work!

2. Start Creating Better Goals

Perhaps your goal is "to make a ton of money" and you are wondering why you still have not made it. Your goal is just not actionable. It is not motivating either. Money is fine, it can do a lot of things, and you will need it along the way, but it will never leave you feeling fulfilled.

In order to be successful in life, you need to determine what is your big life purpose. There are so many great things you can do that will represent success to you. Money is just a by-product. The grease that lubricates the wheels to make the journey easier, smoother.

Whatever being successful means to you (that big picture, remember?) you will then need to determine how much money you will need to make it happen. And not just tons of money, but an exact number.

Then, make that exact number your goal.

Next, add an exact date to it; the date by which you want to reach your goal.

Set your goal as something like, "I want to make $2,433,755.83 by October 1st, 2027 in order to invest in space exploration of Jupiter's moon, Europa, and make history by returning spectacular findings to Earth, and the Moon and Mars colonies."

You see what I mean? Set a specific goal, a date to achieve it by and a purpose for achieving it.

3. Stop Looking for Validation

When you are looking for ways to be successful in life, let me tell you, you are not going to find it in the people around you -- your relatives and friends -- unless everyone around you is already a great success.

Sure, your mom, dad, best friend, partner, and maybe even your dog may approve of what you are trying to do, but you do not need that approval for your business ideas to be successful.

Define life on your own terms. Step out into the splendor of your own life. Stop seeking the validation of others that you are on the right track.

Want to know if you are on the right track? Ask yourself, "Am I living my best life?" If the answer is "Yes!" then you are on the right track. If the answer is "No!" you have some changes to make, Lucy!

Do not let others steal your dream. Do not let them cloud your thinking. Do not let them hold you back. Do not wait on their validation!

Other people always seem to think they know what is best for you. They do not and cannot. Only you can know what is best for you. Only you can really know the inner working of your dream. Only you can find the best way to your own success. It is all about finding how to be successful in life -- your life!

Trust yourself a little more and you will discover you actually know what it is you need to do.

4. Find An Experienced Guide Or Mentor

I heard one professional suggest you should stop looking for a coach, guide, or mentor; that you are better off going it alone. That may be true, considering some of the coaches that are out there!

But finding the right guide or mentor can actually be an awesome choice for building your sucess. The thing is, most people do not actually want a guide or mentor. They want to find someone to do it all for them.

Entrepreneurship, and being successful is a personal thing. It is all about taking ownership. Yes, the best thing about entrepreneurship is that you can create your future, your success, any way you want.

But it does not hurt to get a mentor to help you make choices. It is not, as one person told me once, like having a boss oversee your work. Getting a second opinion, and having checks and balances in place, is not losing your freedom, it is keeping it!

In the end, you still need to take ownership of the ultimate decisions, and the wins are all yours. If you can select the right help to make less bad decisions, that is in your win column too!

5. Start Living Your Dreams

Being successful in life is not about a single magical moment when everything falls into place. It is about a life long journey that moves you forward, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, but progressively in the right direction.

And it is about all the little moments along that journey; moments where you are happy, and moments where you are actually taking in what is around you. You can seldom really take the time to fully experience those moments if you are currently stuck in a 9 to 5 job.

But sometimes that 9 to 5 job is the gateway to your future moments. You should not just kick it to the curb without fully evaluating its place in the plan to move you forward. If, for example, your goal is to begin an online business of your own, you have got evenings and weekends where you can start creating that business, while still maintaining the security of that job.

Maybe you want to embrace the laptop lifestyle. If your job can function this way, you can always speak with your boss about working remote three weeks out of each months while you travel abroad. The whole CoViD experience has opened a new view of working from home. Necessity became reality and now we can adapt that for our own success.

"I want it all and I want it now!" is not the best approach. You must crawl before you walk, and take those first faltering baby steps before you run, or you will not really know whether it is something you want or something you only think you want. And that is not a good way to be successful in life!

Before you cash in your 9 to 5, check to be sure if it is the only thing causing your frustration and holding you back. Giving it up may leave you more stressed and be a greater cause of unhappiness than keeping it and working around it -- for now.

6. Start Learning Your Craft

While you do not have to be number one on day one, you need to start learning your craft as early as possible. Call it expertise, skill, proficiency, or know-how, your craft is what you will use in the futherence of your business and your success.

You can build it up and hone it as you move forward. Consider how much you are going to invest (time, action, money) each and every day in your personal and business growth. You will be amazed where you find yourself in 12 months.

If you run an online business, experiment with different marketing approaches. If you are an writer, write each and every day. If you are a coach, guide, or mentor, engage one of your own so you can stay up on new ideas. Always learn new things.

Leaning your craft, and then staying current, requires effort. It is that attention to your craft that will inform the answers you need to know how to be successful.

7. Stop Getting In Your Own Way

Stumbling blocks, failures, bad days, procrastination: what do they have in common? They are all in your head. The key is to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Find the workaround. Get back up. Get back on. Do it right this time. That is how you be successful in life!

There is always a solution. Always a way forward. It is perspective. Discuss it. Find it. Move on.

Dr. Wayne Dyer often said, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!"

8. Take Action Now

You cannot achieve success if you have not done anything. That is the proverbial no-brainer. Why is it so hard for some people to see? There is no big financial gain just for showing up. You need to put in the time, and energy, and take the action in order to create something of value.

Think about it. The most successful people are all creators. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook. Jeff Bezos created Amazon. Bill Gates created Microsoft. Warren Buffet created Berkshire Hathaway. Richard Branson founded the Virgin Group. The list goes on and on.

Commit your own life to being a creator, and you could eventually begin to see what it takes to be successful. One thing to know and understand: it take time and consistent effort. Being successful comes down to you, and the action you take.

You must be willing to do the work, or nothing you do pay off. Step out and start building, start creating, your own success. That is how you be successful in life! Want to get started? Click Here.

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